Pre-Award Activity
- All requests for external funding must be processed through the Office of Sponsored
Programs (OSP). External funding includes Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements.
- Principal Investigator (PI) should review the PI Guide.
- To initiate the process, a Proposal Review and Compliance Form (PRC) with appropriate signatures (principal investigator, department chair, and academic
dean), an abstract, and an estimated budget describing the proposed activity must be submitted to OSP as soon as possible but
at least ten (10) business days prior to the deadline for submission.
- Proposals should be submitted to OSP at least four (4) business days prior to agency's deadline date. OSP strongly urges that adequate time
be allowed for the university approval process in order to submit proposals by the
deadline date.
- Approval by the appropriate designated University Official is required in order to
submit a proposal off campus to a funding agency or organization. OSP will obtain
the University Official's recommendation and signature.
- OSP will review the proposal to ensure compliance with University, State, and Federal
regulations. OSP may discuss various parts of the proposal with the PI during the
review process. OSP will assist in budget preparation. PI is responsible for obtaining
necessary compliance documentation such as but not limited to human subjects approval,
letters of commitment, or subaward/consulting agreements. Such documents are required
prior to submission unless an exception approval is provided.
- Appropriate proposal review time is necessary to ensure the proposal will be submitted
on time. Once a PRC is approved and the proposal has been reviewed and is ready for
submission, OSP will obtain the required signatures, make the necessary copies, and
submit the approved proposal.
- Electronic submission of proposals is currently the responsibility of OSP. Contact
OSP early in the process for the electronic submission procedures.
- Once submitted, OSP will then track the proposal from receipt through disposition.
- PI should notify OSP if award/not funded notification is sent directly to the PI.
- At the time of notification of disposition, either an "award" letter or "not funded"
letter will be sent to the PI.
- The Grants and Contracts Accountant will be notified of all awarded proposals and
will work with the PI regarding post-award activities. (See Post-Award Activity.)
- PI should review Post-Award Activities