Administrative Issues Journal: Education, Practice & Research

The Administrative Issues Journal is NO LONGER ACTIVE. Please contact Dr. Todd Wiggen for more information.
E-ISSN: 2153-7615
Paper Submission
Our publishing platform, Scholastica, requires that you make an account in order to submit.
We've Changed our Publication Timeline Again
Fall Publication Cycle | Spring Publication Cycle |
Submission: September 1st - March 1st Decisions: April Publication: September |
Submission: March 2nd - August 31st Decisions: January Publication: February |
For further details about the special topic section see
Call for Papers page
Administrative Issues Journal is a university-based publication dedicated to expanding the knowledge of current issues in the theory and practice of Administration. Administrative Issues Journal provides a platform for the publication and promotion of viable blind-reviewed research, and is committed to the best practices of scholarly publishing in an open access (OA) environment.
The journal accepts articles with a disciplinary or topical anchor in the fields of business, health care administration, education, public administration, ethics and leadership. This journal accepts quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodology studies.
We are specifically interested in articles that facilitate the development of interdisciplinary connections related to research, practice, and teaching. It is our goal that by juxtaposing contributions from diverse sources, scholarly connections will be made that will further insights and solutions to common issues faced in the theory and practice of Administration.
The Administrative Issues Journal will publish two issues a year. Each issue will seek to include articles from education, practice, and research. Up to 12 high-quality articles will be published in each issue.
The estimated acceptance rate for the journal publication is less than 50 percent.
Editorial Board
Position | Name |
Editor-in-Chief | Todd Wiggen, Ed.D. |
Managing Editor | Amanda Smith, Ph.D. |
Managing Editor | Nolan Meditz, Ph.D. |
Research Editor | Veronica Aguiñaga, Ed.D. |
Editor-at-Large | Amanda Evert, Ph.D. |
Editor-at-Large | Lincoln Brown, Ph.D. |
Editor-at-Large | Sherri Brogdon, Ph.D. |
Editor-at-Large/Assistant Research Editor | Marc Leonard, M.B.A. |
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
AIJ has in place digital preservation practices and the journal is archived in the Al Harris Library’s Digital Repository where it may be freely accessed through the library Web page.
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