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Student Allocations Instructions

Last modified: 04.02.2018

To: Allocation recipients

From: Patricia Garcia, Comptroller

I know you have your allocations request approved and you are wondering what to do now. Hopefully, this packet will help.

Purchase Orders

  1. Every purchase requires an approved purchase order before the item is purchased or ordered. I have attached a sample purchase order for your convenience and blank purchase orders for your use.
  2. The purchase order must be signed by an officer and a sponsor.
  3. The purchase order must be approved by the Business Services office (Admin #111)
  4. Business Services will place the order once it has been approved or return it to you so you can place the order.

Invoices or Check Requests

We cannot make a payment from a purchase order, you must submit an invoice or (if no invoice is available) you can submit a check request. Again, I have enclosed a sample check requisition for your convenience and blank check requisitions for your use.

These forms are available on the website.

When the invoice or check requisition is presented to the Business Services office for payment, you can expect the payment to be made within a week.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Patricia Garcia
Office phone: 580.774.3021
Office fax: 580.774.3211
Cell: 405.650.2261
Administration building room 111