Archived Information
Fall Semester 2020 and Reopening Guide Spring Semester 2021 Plans
Spring 2021 Schedule
- Spring semester classes start January 11, and students return to on-campus classes.
- There will be no traditional spring break but the semester will end one week earlier than normal and the last day of the semester is April 30.
Masks and Shields
SWOSU will require cloth facial coverings for students, faculty, visitors, and staff in hallways and classrooms for the spring 2021 semester. Students who choose not to wear a mask are encouraged to enroll in sections that will not require on-campus attendance. Students with questions regarding this requirement can contact Dean of Students Joshua Engle at 774-3767 or at
Thank you for taking the SWOSU face covering mandate seriously. You are helping us combat the spread of COVID-19 and remain open; it truly is the new normal to wear a mask indoors.
Gaiters will be allowed as face coverings, but we ask that you double them (fold the tube inside itself to provide two layers). A single thin layer may not be enough protection.
Safety Measures Within Classrooms
We are adjusting classrooms to maintain at least four feet between students. In some classrooms, we are placing clear plastic at the front of rooms and in front of podiums. SWOSU will provide hand sanitizer in hallways and classrooms and ask that students use it frequently throughout the day. We will also ask that faculty develop seating charts and track attendance at each class. This will aid preventative measures in the event of a positive case among class members.
Learning Online
Students who have questions about learning in a virtual environment or about courses are encouraged to 1) check the course Canvas pages; 2) stay in contact with your professor through Canvas messaging or email; and 3) visit the frequently-asked question links.
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has many resources for students.
Ensure you will have access to the Internet. If you do not have access at home, you can use a wifi locator such as WiFi Map to identify free wifi near your home.
SWOSU Commencement 2021
Commencement is scheduled for May 1. For more details about graduation ceremonies, go to our Commencement page.
Protect Yourself from Becoming Infected
The most important precaution all of us can take is being mindful of our personal health by practicing good hygiene, such as washing hands frequently. We continue to follow guidance from the CDC and state and local health authorities and encourage everyone to take reasonable, common-sense measures to keep yourself healthy.
Health and Counseling Services
If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, call your medical care provider as soon as possible. Remember to call ahead and tell the health care provider’s office about any recent travel, symptoms, and concerns. Please also avoid contact with others and do not travel unnecessarily. To find out if you should be tested and where, call the Oklahoma State Department of Health Coronavirus Call Center at 877.215.8336 or visit the state’s coronavirus web site.
If you are on campus and experience flu-like symptoms, please call Student Health Services at 580.774.3776. You will be asked screening questions over the phone. If a flu test or strep test is needed, an appointment will be made. Patients needing a flu or strep test must wear a mask upon entering the waiting room.
In order to limit traffic in Health and Counseling Services, counseling appointments will be held by Zoom only. Anxiety-reducing resources can be found at The Jed Foundation, The Conversation, the Child Mind Institute, and the American Psychological Association.