Newman Civic Fellow
Campus Compact has announced the 2021-2022 cohort of Newman Civic Fellows. The Newman Civic Fellowship is a one-year fellowship for community-committed college students from Campus Compact member institutions. The fellowship honors the late Frank Newman, one of Campus Compact’s founders and a tireless advocate for civic engagement in higher education. In the spirit of Dr. Newman’s leadership, Campus Compact member presidents and chancellors are annually invited to nominate one community-committed student from their institution for the fellowship. These nominees are individuals who have demonstrated an investment in finding solutions for challenges facing communities throughout the country and abroad.
Alcuitas Honored as SWOSU’s 2021-2022 Newman Civic Fellow

Alcuitas is honored as SWOSU’s 2021-2022 Newman Civic Fellow
Elah Alcuitas is a junior Biomedical Sciences and Biochemistry major from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Elah has been very active at SWOSU in campus and community-based projects. Elah has served as vice president for the SWOSU Honors Association and has served as a research assistant in the Biology Department. She is committed not only to her academic pursuits, but volunteer and support organizations. Elah incorporates her STEM expertise to assist the local Agape Free Medical Clinic, the Remote Area Medical Clinic, and the SAGE STEAM Camp, a cohort of middle school girls interested in STEM. Her focus on social issues has been the impetus for her work with a local elementary school reading program and the Weatherford Recycling Center. To promote student awareness of social justice issues, Elah is active in the Student Government Association and has founded a new student organization on campus, the Student Diversity League. Elah’s mentor is Dr. Rickey Cothran, Chair of Biological Sciences.