Committee Assignments
Audit Committee
Audits the financial activities of the Faculty Senate
- Jieun Chang (Chair)
- Kathy O’Neal
- Eric Paul
- Melanie Claborn
- Daniel Kavish
Budget & Program Committee
Evaluates the distribution of university funds
- Hardeep Saluja (Chair)
- Swarup Ghosh
- Melanie Claborn
- Kathy O’Neal
- Angela Gore
Curriculum Committee
Advises and makes recommendations regarding all curricular issues
- Holly McKee (Chair)
- Sherri Brogdon
- Jessica Salmans
- Muatasem Ubeidat
- Dana Oliver
Judiciary Committee
Answers questions regarding the intent and meaning of the Faculty Senate Constitution
- Phillip Fitzsimmons (Chair)
- Nolan Meditz
- Dana Oliver
- Landry Brewer
- Daniel Kavish
Nominating Committee
Organizes elections for selected university standing committees
- Scott Long (Chair)
- Karen Sweeney
- Eric Paul
- Tugba Sevin
- Jeremy Johnson
Personnel Policies Committee
Makes recommendations regarding policies related to faculty tenure, promotion, class loads, salary and benefits, and dismissal
- Stephen Burgess (Chair)
- Sherri Brogdon
- Karen Sweeney
- Tugba Sevin
- Holly Mckee
Student Affairs Committee
Advises and makes recommendations regarding all matters relating to the student body and student policies
- Karen Sweeney (Chair)
- Swarup Ghosh
- Sharon Lawrence
- Dana Oliver
- Bo Pagliasotti
University Policies Committee
Advises and makes recommendations concerning university policies relating to the academic calendar, schedules, faculty handbook and university matters not assigned to other Faculty Senate committees
- Muatasem Ubeidat (Chair)
- Sharon Lawrence
- Phillip Fitzsimmons
- Stephen Burgess
- Vanessa Nix