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Grade Changes

Students requesting a grade change must submit the request in writing to the instructor of record.  The student must state the specific reason(s) for the grade change request.  Student grades may be changed within the following criteria:

  1. In the case of instructor computation errors, errors in data entry, other errors by the instructor, and courses originally graded with an Incomplete (I), grades may be changed by the instructor in person in the Academic Records’s Office. An instructor may change a grade from one traditional grade to another (A, B, C, D, or F), or from an Incomplete (I) to any grade (A, B, C, D, F, or W). No review is required for this process.
  2. For each course, the number of grade change requests shall be limited to one (1).
  3. A grade change request shall not be granted after the student graduates from the university.
  4. The time limit for instituting a grade change is normally one semester after the semester in which the grade was assigned (i.e., by the end of the next regular semester). Except under extenuating circumstances that prevent the student from completing required coursework, Incomplete (I) grades should be changed to a traditional grade (A, B, C, D, or F) within one semester. In the case of an Incomplete (I) assigned to a student in a research or independent study course, in which consecutive semesters of enrollment in such a course with the same instructor may be required to complete a project, the student must complete any remaining course requirements by the end of the next regular semester after the semester in which the instructor of record deems that the project should have been completed.
  5. If a student requests a change of a traditional (A, B, C, D, or F) grade to a Withdrawal (W), the student must follow the procedure outlined in the Academic Appeals Procedure.
  6. If the original instructor of record is no longer available, then the student shall submit the grade change request to the chair of the department.