SWOSU Staff Council By-Laws
Note: Twelve incumbent Staff Council members were serving at the time of the by-laws revision. The Council will remain at that number until attrition brings the number to the correct 11.
Revise Date: July 24, 2019
Universities depend on the efficiency and commitment of support personnel. Commitment comes from meaningful involvement and participation in the policies of the University. The purpose of the SWOSU Staff Council is to enable staff employees to participate in the achievement of the goals of Southwestern Oklahoma State University.
Article I: SWOSU Staff Council (SSC)
This organization shall be called SWOSU Staff Council (SSC). This organization shall be comprised of support personnel employees who shall act as representatives of university staff. Support personnel are generally defined as those employees who are not faculty or administration.
Section 1:
Representation will be by job classification with three additional at-large seats open to any staff employee regardless of job classification as follows:
Administrative | 2 | Non-admin. asst. (HR/Acctg/Payroll/lTS/University Press) |
Administrative Support | 2 | Admin. Assistants, etc. |
Auxiliary Services | 1 | Library/Student Union, etc. |
Sayre | 1 | Staff employees |
Physical Plant | 2 | Maintenance, groundskeepers, etc. |
Representatives at large | 3 | |
Total | 11 |
Staff Council Representatives shall be chosen according to their job classification and will hold that committee office for a period of either one year or two years. If a vacancy occurs, it shall be filled by Staff Council Officers within a period of one month by choosing a representative for the remainder of the term of office.
Section 2:
SSC shall have an annual meeting to be held during the calendar year, open to all support personnel. The date of the meetings shall be set by the Staff Council Representatives. Notification of each meeting will be transmitted to staff employees at least ten days prior to such Meeting.
Section 3:
At all meetings of SSC or any of its committees, Robert's Rules of Order will be followed unless, by majority vote, other rules for proceedings are established.
Section 4:
Whereas SSC exists to enable staff employees to participate in the achievement of goals of Southwestern Oklahoma State University by making recommendations to the Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance of the University, it establishes committees, as needed, to perform and carry out the duties and concerns of university staff employees.
Section 5:
The fiscal year shall begin July 1 of each year.
Article II: Committees
Section 1: Staff Council Officers
A. Powers and Duties
Staff Council Officers shall have the power to make recommendations to Administration on all matters of concern to support employees. The normal channel for recommendations to the Administration shall be through the office of the Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance.
B. Officers
The Officers of the Staff Council shall be the Chair, Past-Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary and other offices as determined by the Council. Officers shall be chosen by Staff Council Representatives. The Past Chair shall serve as a Staff Officer for one year after their term as Chair. The Chair-Elect shall serve as a member of the Council for one year prior to their term as Chair.
C. Meetings
The Staff Council Officers and Representatives shall have monthly meetings. The time of the meetings will be called by the Chair and notice to all members shall be made at least five days in advance of the time of such meetings.
D. Quorum
A majority shall constitute a quorum to do business.
E. Experience
Staff Council Officers and Representatives shall have a minimum of six (6) months experience at Southwestern Oklahoma State University. This provision may be waived if it is determined that such provision would deprive proper representation of staff employees of the University.
F. Terms
Staff Council Officers shall hold their offices for the following terms:
Position | Term |
Chair Elect | Two Years |
Chair | Two Years |
Secretary | Two Years |
Committee Chairs | Two Years |
Past Chair | Two Years |
G. Election of Officers
Election of Staff Officers shall take place at the April meeting of the Staff Council in even numbered years. The Chair-Elect and Secretary shall be elected at this meeting and assume their duties effective July 1st. The chair-elect will assume the position of Chair on July 1 of odd years.
H. Proxies
A Staff Council Officer may be represented by an authorized proxy at any meeting.
I. Absence from Meetings
In the event that a Staff Council Officer or Representative (or his or her proxy) misses two (2) consecutive meetings within one year, the Chair may declare that position vacant and the position will be filled in accordance with subsection N.
J. Chair Duties
The Chair shall preside over all the meetings of the SSC. The Chair shall also serve as the committee representative on the Southwestern Oklahoma State University Executive and Administrative Councils; appoint staff to special ad-hoc committees as directed by Staff Officers; receive and transmit forthwith the recommendations of staff members to appropriate university officials; shall be responsible for SSC funds (maintaining records of receipts and expenditures); counsel with, involve and train the Chair-Elect in such a fashion as to provide continuity in the efforts of the council from year to year and fulfill whatever other duties the committee may vest in the office; and transmit to SSC or any of its committees, recommendations from the Administration of the University.
K. Chair-Elect Duties
The Chair-Elect shall attend all annual meetings of SSC and monthly Staff Council meetings. The Chair-Elect shall also fill in when the Chair is unable to attend meetings and fulfill whatever other duties the Chair may vest in the office.
L. Secretary Duties
The Secretary shall be responsible for: minutes of the meetings, keeping staff council members and volunteer lists, keeping records of past minutes and all motions and resolutions passed by the Staff Council Committee and Representatives.
M. Budget
The Chair and Secretary shall submit a budget to the meeting of Staff Council for approval each spring. Upon approval of the budget, it will be transmitted to the Administration. The budget shall be detailed to whatever degree the committee shall require in order to carry out its duties and responsibilities.
N. Vacancies
Staff Council Officer Vacancies due to removal, death or resignation shall be filled in the following manner:
Chair: A vacancy during the first year of office shall be filled by a member of the staff council by a vote of that board. A vacancy during the second year of office shall be filled by the Chair-Elect.
Chair-Elect: A vacancy during the first year of office shall be filled by calling a special election of staff representatives.
Secretary: A vacancy during the first year of office shall be filled by calling a special election of staff representatives. A vacancy during the second year of office shall be filled by appointment by the Chair with Staff Council approval.
Committee Chair: A vacancy in the respective chair position shall be filled by the respective committee. If the committee is unable to fill the position, an appointment shall be made by the Staff Council Chair with Staff Council approval. The newly elected or appointed officers shall serve the remainder of the term of the vacated office.
Section 2:
A. Committee Chairs
Committee chairs shall call committee meetings as required. All matters relating to a specific area shall be referred to the appropriate committee. The committee chairs shall present a report at the Staff Council.
B. Removal from Office
Committee chairs may be removed from office with the concurrence of two-thirds of the Staff Council. The Chair shall be entitled to a hearing preceding a vote. The committee may remove one of its members upon the concurrence of two-thirds of its members, but the person in question shall be entitled to a hearing preceding a vote.
C. Vacancies in Office
In case of a vacancy in a committee chair position, the committee appoints a new chair from the members of that specific committee. If the committee is unable to fill the position, an appointment shall be made by the Chair with Staff Council approval.
Section 3: Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed by the Staff Council Chair when deemed necessary by the Staff Council or if requested by the Administration. An Ad Hoc Committee will terminate when its assigned task is completed. If a committee project extends into a new committee year, continuance of the committee is subject to review by the Staff Council at the July meeting.
Article III: Additional Issues
If an issue develops that is not addressed by these By-Laws, the issue shall be resolved by Staff Council Officers.
Article IV: Amendments to the By-Laws
Proposed amendments to these By-laws may be presented to the Staff Council Representatives at any meeting of that committee. Proposed amendments must be in writing. The Staff Council may or may not elect to bring it before the general staff council meeting at its next regularly scheduled meeting. If the Staff Council elects not to bring it before the organization at that meeting, the Staff Council Chair shall notify the individual or individuals who presented the proposal to the Staff Council at least thirty (30) Days prior to the time of such meeting. With written petition of at least ten (10) support personnel members, the individual or individuals who made such proposed amendment may present the proposal to the support personnel at its next regularly scheduled meeting. When ratified by a two thirds majority of members in attendance at the next scheduled SSC Meeting, the proposed amendment shall be made part of or correction to these By-laws subject to the approval of the President of the University. If approved, the amendments will become effective the month following such approval.
Article V: Approval
These By-laws shall be in effect when sanctioned by the President of Southwestern Oklahoma State University. We, the undersigned, bear witness this 24th day of July, 2019, that these By-laws have been duly sanctioned by the President of Southwestern Oklahoma State University. (Signed by President Beutler)