Master of Music Degree Programs
Master of Music
- Vocal Performance
- Instrumental Performance
Master of Music in Music Educations
- Choral Music
- Instrumental Music
Master of Music in Music Therapy
Graduate Course Schedule & Rotation
Graduate students in the Music Department have six (6) years to complete their degree program (see also “Degree Completion Time”). Most of the graduate students in music are employed teachers who come back during the summer session to work on their degree. As a result, the heaviest concentration of graduate courses is scheduled in the summer session. A three (3) year rotation of all graduate courses has been created to allow students two (2) opportunities to take the courses required for their degree program within a six (6) year period. Students should consult the course rotation to be sure they will be able to complete their degree within the time limits they have set.
Independent Studies
The College of Professional and Graduate Studies restricts the number of Independent Study hours a graduate student may take to five (5) hours. In addition, the departmental faculty has voted that none of the core required courses for either the Master of Music (MM) or the Master of Music in Music Education (MMME) can be taken as independent studies outside the normal course rotation. Exceptions can be considered by the Departmental Chair and/or the Coordinator of Graduate Music Studies on an individual case basis.
Seminar Credits
The College of Professional and Graduate Studies has stated that a maximum of six (6) semester hours of seminar credits may be applied toward requirements of a master's degree.