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CETL Services

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) provides services to all faculty and students of Southwestern Oklahoma State University; those located online, on the Weatherford and Sayre remote locationes, and at all additional locations.

CETL provides support and training to faculty on multiple topics, such as; classroom technology, consultation, teacher and teaching resources, faculty development events, and scholarship both in person and virtually. Additionally, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning provides support to all SWOSU students in the use of educational technology in their ongoing education at SWOSU. At SWOSU, distance education consists of online, webinar, blended and self-paced courses.

CETL offers faculty workshops and one-on-one training on a wide variety of educational technology, and teaching and learning topics at all levels for faculty. Contact your department’s Teaching and Learning Coordinator (Steve Ray or Dr. Mapopa Sanga) to schedule a faculty workshop or one-on-one training. Check out the Faculty Development (Workshop Videos) course in Canvas for current and upcoming short training videos.

If you have ideas or desires for other topics, please contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at 580.774.3149 or

Educational Services For Faculty

Specialized Services

  • Active Learning Strategies
  • Assignment Rubrics
  • Canvas Studio (Arc)
  • Canvas Training (Basic and Advanced Features)
  • Course Development Assistance
  • Course Development Rubric/Reviews* (Online/Webinar, Self-Paced, Blended, Significant Change)
  • e-Portfolio
  • Online Course Development
  • Respondus 4.0 (Testbanks)
  • Student Learning Outcome Assessment
  • Syllabi Development
  • Traditional Course Development
  • Upswing - Online Tutoring
  • VoiceThread Support/Training

Software Training/Support

  •  LinkedIn Learning
  • Respondus LockDown Browser
  • Respondus Monitor
  • SmartBoard Support
  • Turnitin
  • Upswing

Educational Services For Students

  • Canvas
  • Respondus — Lockdown Browser and Monitor
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Studio
  • Turniitin
  • Upswing
  • Voicethread
Departmental Support
Department Contact
Allied Health Sciences
Dr. Mapopa Sanga
Art, Communication & Theatre Dr. Mapopa Sanga
Biological Sciences Steve Ray
Business Steve Ray
Chemistry & Physics Steve Ray
Computer Science & Engineering Technology Steve Ray
Education Dr. Mapopa Sanga
Kinesiology Steve Ray
Language & Literature Dr. Mapopa Sanga
Mathematics Dr. Mapopa Sanga
Music Dr. Mapopa Sanga
Nursing Steve Ray
Parks & Recreation Management Dr. Mapopa Sanga
Pharmacy Practice Steve Ray
Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. Mapopa Sanga
Psychology Dr. Mapopa Sanga
Social Sciences Steve Ray


Staff Contact Information
Name Office Phone
Lisa Friesen
HEC 210 580.774.3149
Steve Ray HEC 208A 580.774.3149
Dr. Mapopa Sanga HEC 209B 580.774.7128
Ashley Walkup HEC 210A 580.774.3149

The Teaching and Learning Coordinators are available to conduct department workshops on the following topics and many more. Contact Dr. Mapopa Sanga or Steve Ray to make arrangements.

Active Learning Strategies: Introducing faculty to 21st century working strategies that engage students making them connect with learning content, their instructor and one another in both online and traditional settings. Contact Dr. Mapopa Sanga.

Assignment Rubrics: Assistance with best practices in developing criteria and weighting values. Contact Steve Ray.

Canvas Training (Basic & Advanced Features) Contact Dr. Mapopa Sanga or Steve Ray.

  • Basic: Importing and exporting content, creating syllabus, creating assignments, component development, creating discussions, managing gradebook, conferences, announcements and messaging feature.
  • Advanced: Assistance with creating tests and quizzes, managing test banks, best practices in presenting content, improving test integrity and security, student collaboration, running analytics, taking attendance.

Course Development Assistance:  Assistance in finding robust content, organizing learning components (modules), engaging students and adding assessments. Dr. Mapopa Sanga.

Course Development Rubric/Reviews (Online/Webinar, Self-paced, Blended, Significant Change): Initial and annual reviews to insure course quality and compliance with SWOSU practices and federal law.  Contact Dr. Mapopa Sanga or Steve Ray.

ePortfolio: Assistance is provided in creating, organizing, and managing one or more ePortfolios. Contact Steve Ray.

Online Course Development:  Preparing faculty with hands-on experience to teach in a fully online environment by introducing key concepts, including course design, digital content planning and construction, communication management and trouble shooting. Contact Dr. Mapopa Sanga.

Online Tutoring (Upswing):  Southwestern Oklahoma State University recently entered into a partnership to offer 24/7 online tutoring with Upswing, an online tutoring and coaching service currently available for distance education students (coming Fall 2017 for all enrolled students). Contact Steve Ray.

Dropbox: Contact Lisa Friesen.

Respondus LockDown Browser/Monitor: Contact Steve Ray.

Turnitin: Contact Lisa Friesen.

Respondus 4.0 (Testbanks): Assistance with downloading, converting,and importing testbanks into Canvas, no matter which publisher is deployed.

Smart Board Training: Introducing faculty to interactive whiteboard and its features. Through its touch-sensitive surface, it gives users access to all the functions of their computer while presenting to an audience.  Contact Dr. Mapopa Sanga.

Student Learning Outcome Assessment: Assistance developing outcomes and\or integrating them into Canvas. Contact Steve Ray.

Syllabi Development: Assistance in understanding SWOSU templates and accreditation compliance. Contact Steve Ray.

Traditional Course Development: Assistance with systematic design of course material, development of content, its implementation in traditional settings and evaluating and revising it over time. Contact Dr. Mapopa Sanga.

Voice thread Support/Training: Introducing faculty to voice thread; a dynamic, living conversation space that can be altered anytime. Basically, the application is about creating collaborative space with video, voice and text commenting within the Canvas interface. Dr. Mapopa Sanga.