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Healthly Lifestyle and Eating Well Resources


Healthy Eating Plate
Created by nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health and editors at Harvard Health Publications, this model provides simple guidance for making healthy choices at each meal. 

Healthy Holiday Habits

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are updated every five years by a committee that analyzes current research and scientific information on diet and health. The 2015-2020 edition of the Dietary Guidelines builds from the 2010 edition with revisions based on the Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee and consideration of Federal agency and public comments.

Foundations of Wellness
A collection of articles on nutrition and a healthy lifestyle from the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter.

Fruits and Veggies: More Matters
This website provides a wide variety of resources on how to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet each day. Find recipes, cooking videos, blogs, tips, and so much more.

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Information about healthy lifestyles, nutrition fact sheets, and daily nutrition tips and eating guides. This website also provides a list of available nutrition resources and books.

Mayo Clinic Nutrition and Healthy Eating Center
Diet plays a significant role in diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. The Food & Nutrition Center features the latest in nutrition research and comprehensive articles on eating well.

Sugar Science
Evidence-based information about sugar and its health effects.

Search for your favorite foods and see what "grade" they received based on nutrition facts, ingredients, and amount of processing. You can also download the free iPhone or Android mobile app to track your food and beverage intake.

Cooking & Meal Planning

Meals Matter
This is a free online tool to help you achieve good health and balanced nutrition, sponsored by the Dairy Council of California. You can find recipes, exchange meal planning ideas with other professionals, and more.

Nutrition Search Engines

This website provides a search engine to a comprehensive list of web resources and organizations focusing on nutrition and healthy living.
The federal website is filled with information on nutrition and healthy lifestyles.


American Heart Association
Learn how to lower your cholesterol and reduce the risk for a heart attack. Included on this website are dietary recommendations plus heart-healthy recipes.


American Diabetes Association
This website provides information on nutrition guidelines for those with diabetes, as well as healthy recipes and tips for healthy restaurant eating.

On Track Diabetes
An online monthly magazine for people who want to better understand diabetes and learn how to live well while caring for this chronic disease. This site, sponsored by Diabetes Digest, provides up-to-date health information, recipe ideas, and a supply center featuring items and services to help you take better control of your health.

Joslin Diabetes Center
Affiliated with Harvard Medical School, Joslin Diabetes Center focuses on the research, care, and education of diabetes prevention and management.

CDC Prediabetes Screening Test
Prediabetes means your blood glucose (sugar) is higher than normal, but not yet diabetes.
Diabetes is a serious disease that can cause heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney
failure, or loss of feet or legs. Type 2 diabetes can be delayed or prevented in people with
prediabetes through effective lifestyle programs. Take the first step. Find out your risk
for prediabetes.


Vegetarian Resource Group
A comprehensive website for vegetarians and vegans alike! Lots of vegetarian and vegan recipes, plus resource lists, tips for traveling and eating vegetarian, and nutrition information. Also includes helpful tips on how to start eating a vegetarian diet as well as information about children and eating vegetarian.
A resource guide for vegetarians, and includes recipes and a book list. This site also includes a Nutrition Analysis Tool to help you figure out a recipe's total gram analysis as well as a breakdown for specific foods.

Vitamins, Supplements, and Herbs

National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements
This site includes background information and definitions of dietary supplements, news releases and announcements from the NIH and other relevant links.

Food & Drug Administration
A resource guide for vitamins and supplements. Includes FDA regulations and announcements, a question and answer section, and links to other sources.

Weight Management

What Makes a Healthy Diet?
Rather than a specific diet, we recommend following a healthy way of eating as a lifestyle. However, "diets" in general remain very popular, and some are better than others. See the ranking of best diets for eating healthy from U.S. News in 2015. You can check the nutritional completeness and safety of many popular diets, from Atkins to Jenny Craig to Weight Watchers, in detailed profiles of each one.

American Heart Association's Go Red BetterU!
This is a free 12-week physical activity program geared towards women. Learn smart strategies and gain new information on improving and maintaining your health, along with the encouragement and advice of online coaches. Each week will focus on a different area to follow for a complete heart makeover. The site also contains tools to help you improve your eating habits by making better nutritional food choices.

American Heart Association's Start!
A national campaign that calls on all Americans and their employers to create a culture of physical activity and health to live longer, heart-healthy lives through walking. On this site, you can register to use a free tracking tool and log in your daily activity and nutrition. You can also download the free iPhone and Android, My Heart. My Life.™ Walking Path App.

Aerobics & Fitness Association of America (AFAA)
Create your own personal exercise program on this site and find a trainer near you for support and motivation. Also included on this site are excerpts from the American Fitness Magazine.

ExRx (Exercise Prescription)
An online resource for the exercise professional or fitness enthusiast, with over 1500 pages of information about exercise, weight management, and diet and nutrition. Also contains interactive pages that demonstrate proper form for various weight training and stretching exercises. Users will also find tools to calculate body fat percentage, body mass index, and creating and tracking your own exercise program.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is not intended to diagnose, treat or provide a second opinion on any health problem or disease. It is meant to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between an individual and his/her clinician.