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Are you worried about a friend or classmate? Build the confidence to talk with a friend who may need help. AT-RISK FOR STUDENTS is a simulation to prepare you to lead real-life conversations with fellow students in distress and connect them with support.

Kognito is an online tool that universities all throughout the United States and Oklahoma is using it to help students, faculty, staff, and administrators learn to recognize signs of psychological distress in various student populations. Users learn how to approach at-risk students and make appropriate referrals to campus support services for screening and assessment. Users are taught to do this through online role-play conversations with virtual students. Learners attain hands-on practice managing challenging, and often sensitive, conversations surrounding mental health and master the skills necessary to identify and connect students to help. There is strong research support for the effectiveness of these programs!

The At-Risk On-Campus module focuses on students experiencing problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. This resource is free to use.

How Do I Sign Up?


Be prepared to lead real-life conversations with peers that build resilience,

strengthen relationships and connect them with support.

  1. Visit
  2. Login or create a new account
  3. Use POV “University or College Student”
  4. Complete demographic questionnaire
  5. Launch At-Risk for Students

Faculty & Staff

Be prepared to lead real-life conversations with students that build resilience, strengthen relationships, and connect them with support.

  1. Visit
  2. Log in or create a new account
  3. Select POV “University or College Faculty/Staff”
  4. Complete demographic questionnaire
  5. Launch At-Risk for Faculty & Staff

Each module takes 30-45 minutes, and you can print a certificate of completion at the end. Join us in making Southwestern Oklahoma State University a safe and welcoming place for all students by getting your certificates today!

Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) provides 24/7 access to resources to help you feel your best emotionally. TAO contains videos, activity logs, and other tools that can be completed anytime and anywhere you have internet access.

TAO is free to the campus community. TAO modules and tools are available as self-help tools, or can be assigned by a faculty/staff member. Alternative, SWOSU counselors may assign TAO as a therapy tool in conjunction with personal sessions.

To enter TAO, go to Enter your SWOSU email address and log in using one of the following three methods:

  • TAO Self-Help: Exploring TAO on your own? Click the self-help button and follow instructions.
  • TAO Assigned: Assigned TAO content by a SWOSU faculty or staff member? Enter the enrollment key they provided to you.
  • TAO Therapy: Signed up by a counselor at Counseling & Wellness for TAO therapy sessions? Enter the password you received by email.

Once you’ve logged in, you will find a variety of resources to explore – videos, mindfulness guides, and activity logs. We hope that you find TAO to be a useful tool in your wellness journey!

Multiple partners across campus support student wellbeing, including

SWOSU counselors offer individual counseling to students on a limited basis, often in conjunction with other available services. For students meeting criteria for individual therapy, a full diagnostic assessment is completed and ongoing assessment of symptom severity is provided throughout treatment. SWOSU counselors maintain open communication with students regarding progress toward treatment goals and duration of treatment.

Students are referred to community providers if they desire individual therapy for non-acute symptoms or require intensive or specialized treatment beyond the scope of the Counseling Center. Students seeking ADHD evaluations or other psychological testing are also referred to the community. An up-to-date list of nearby providers, along with information about how to navigate appointment logistics, is available through our office. Students are also welcome to contact our office directly to discuss referral options.

Counseling Services

SWOSU Counseling Services provides services to currently enrolled students. Counselors help people resolve existing problems, prevent potential problems, and develop new skills that will enhance their lives. A broad range of services in a variety of formats is offered. SWOSU is staffed by Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC), and Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors (LADC).

Outreach Services

SWOSU Counseling Services is committed to creating a community and environment that is psychologically safe for all students, faculty, and staff on campus. We take an active role in the primary prevention of mental health distress through our outreach efforts.

The Center for Health and Well-being seeks to meet the following goals in our outreach efforts:

  • Raise awareness about psychological issues
  • Provide education about managing psychological issues
  • Challenge ideas that contribute to social inequity, disempowerment, and discrimination
  • Empower students, faculty, and staff to find and use their voices in a healthy and productive way

The Center for Health and Well-being offers several different outreach presentations to classrooms, student groups, and faculty and staff. Presentations can also be tailored made to fit the needs of any unique group on campus.

Ready-made Presentations

Mental Health Services at the SWOSU
Self Care
Test Anxiety
Stress Management

Performance Anxiety
Coping with Anxiety and Depression

Building Resilience
Recognizing and Supporting Students in Distress

Positive Thinking

Scheduling Outreach Presentations

Please allow approximately three weeks’ notice if you would like our office to present one of the above listed outreach presentations to your group.

Please allow for approximately one month notice if you would like our office to tailor make an outreach presentation for your group.

Requests for presentations should be directed to Susan Ellis by calling (580)-774-6039 or emailing her at