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OSRHE Principles (Admission & Retention)

The following principles are intended for use as guidelines for interpretation of policies on admission, retention, and transfer of students at colleges and universities of the State System.

Policies and Procedures
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
State System Coordination
Policy Date:  6/30/04

A. Admission of First-Time-Entering Students

  1. Any Oklahoma resident, upon graduation from an accredited high school, should have the opportunity of continuing his/her education at some institution in The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education.
  2. Admission policies should recognize and be consistent with the functions, purposes, and programs of respective institutions in The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education.
  3. There should be sufficient flexibility to permit institutions to make exceptions in worthy and extraordinary cases as provided for under the special admission section.  Each case must be documented and the institution must report annually on the exceptions made.
  4. Admission policies should be stated in such a manner as to lend themselves to ease of understanding by high school students, parents, counselors, and the public generally.
  5. Admission policies should be administratively feasible.
  6. Residents should be periodically and systematically reviewed.
  7. Institutional and individual programs’ admission policies should be considered minimal.  Institutions are encouraged to propose more rigorous standards for approval by the State Regents.  These standards should be based on indices which have been shown to be related to success in the program(s).

B. Retention of Students

  1. Retention policies adopted for public institutions should serve the educational welfare of students and at the same time make possible maximum use of public resources.
  2. Retention policies should provide for uniformity in the transfer of students among institutions.
  3. Students should make satisfactory progress toward an educational objective within a reasonable period of time as specified in the Retention Standards section.
  4. Institutions should provide appropriate academic support services for student experiencing academic difficulties.  While these programs should be available to all students, students on academic notice or academic probation should be required to participate.
  5. Students who are suspended for academic reasons should, after a reasonable period of time and upon application, be considered for readmission.
  6. Institutional and individual programs’ retention standards should be considered minimal.  Institutions are encouraged to propose more rigorous standards for approval by the State Regents.
    Policies and Procedures
    Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
    State System Coordination
    Policy Date:  6/30/04
  7. There should be sufficient flexibility to permit institutions to make exceptions in worthy and extraordinary cases as noted in the Retention Standards section.  Each case must be documented and the institution must report annually on the exceptions made.

Provisions in other State Regents’ policies are subject to the requirements specified in this policy.


Revised December 9, 1994, June 28, 1995, June 28, 1996, June 27, 1997, September 5, 1997, April 3, 1998, December 3, 1999, February 18, 2000, December 1, 2000, February 9, 2001, March 30, 2001, June 29, 2001, October 26, 2001, February 7, 2002, June 27, 2002, September 13, 2002, November 1, 2002, December 5, 2002, June 30, 2003 and June 30, 2004.

Policies and Procedures
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
State System Coordination
Policy Date: 6/30/04