Remedial Requirements Course Placement Guidelines
(Fall 2018)
An ACT score of 19 is the “first cut” in determining student readiness for college level coursework. Students must score 19 or above in the four subject areas of Mathematics, English, Reading and Science in order to avoid second level testing and/or remediation. When subscores are below 19 on an ACT subtest, secondary Course Placement Tests (CPTs) are available. Students should contact the University Assessment Center for information about CPTs or to make an appointment (580.774.7084/
After taking the ACT and any needed CPT, students with deficiencies are encouraged
to begin skill development as soon as possible. Select the link for some skill-building options.
Developing skills before college can save students hundreds and even thousands of dollars as well as many hours of course time by preparing for further ACT and/or CPT testing. Skill building can also improve success in college courses.
After a minimum two-week waiting period of skill development, students may retake the CPT test. Once you achieve the necessary CPT score(s), you may skip remediation and/or support courses and enroll in general education courses in math and English. CPT scores expire after one year.
Student must pass remedial courses with an “S” or “C” or higher. College credit is not awarded, but the hours are counted in the enrollment for financial aid and intercollegiate sports qualification. Zero-level courses may not be funded by Oklahoma’s Promise. These grades do not affect grade-point average.
ACT and CPT scores have been established for remedial course placement as follows:
Click to see the Remediation Flowchart: Remediation Flowchart
ACT above 18 or CPT above 69: 1113 English Composition I
ACT 16-18 or CPT 61-69: 1113 English Composition I AND 0132 Composition I Support
ACT below 16 or CPT below 61: 0123 Fundamentals of English. Upon the successful completion of this course, students may take 1113 English Composition as their next English course.
ACT above 18 or CPT above 74: No reading remediation is required.
ACT below 19 or CPT below 75: 0122/0123 Improvement of Reading.
ACT 16-18 or CPT 66-74: 0122/0123 Improvement of Reading is waived for students enrolled in both 1113 English Composition I AND 0132 Composition I Support.
I. If 1513 COLLEGE ALGEBRA (or higher MATH) is required for your major
ACT above 18 or Elementary Algebra CPT above 91: 1513 College Algebra
ACT 16-18 or CPT 75-91: 1513 College Algebra AND 0162 College Algebra Support
ACT below 16 or CPT below 75:
- 0174 Prep for College Math followed by
- 0124 Basic Algebra followed by
- 1513 College Algebra for college credit AND 0162 College Algebra Support
II. If 1143 MATH CONCEPTS IS approved for your major (MATH APPLICATIONS is recommended for Nursing majors):
ACT above 18 or Arithmetic CPT above 89 or Elementary Algebra CPT above 74: 1143 Math Concepts (1153 Math Applications is recommended for Nursing majors):
ACT 16-18 or Arithmetic CPT 81-89 or Elementary Algebra CPT 66-74: 1143 Math Concepts AND0182 Math Concepts Support (or Math Applications AND 0192 Math Applications Support for Nursing majors)
ACT below 16 or Arithmetic CPT below 81 or Elementary Algebra CPT below 66:
- 0174 Prep for College Math followed by
- 1143 Math Concepts AND 0182 Math Concepts Support (or Math Applications AND 0192 Math Applications Support for Nursing majors)
Students with ACT science reasoning scores below 19 must satisfy remediation requirements (if any) in English, mathematics and reading before enrolling in science courses. The first science course must be a general education science course.