Risk Management Policy
Section I
To outline the procedures to be followed in the event that an employee is involved in an accident or is a witness to an accident. The Risk Management Division of the Office of Central Services for the State of Oklahoma is, in essence, the insurance carrier for Southwestern.
Employees should be aware of areas that are risk exposures. A recent study by an independent risk management consultant revealed the following as exposure's that state agencies should be concerned about:
Automobile Liability
Boat or Water Craft
Personal Injury
Written and Oral Contracts
Products/Completed Operations
Errors and Omissions
Discrimination and Other Civil Rights
Medical Professional
Fiduciary Liability
Foreign Liability
The "Tort Claims Act" adopts sovereign immunity for state employees except to the extent that immunity is waived in certain cases. Immunity can be waived in the case of an employee who either IS NOT ACTING WITHIN HIS OR HER SCOPE OF EMPLOYMENT OR REFUSES TO COOPERATE WITH INVESTIGATIONS (by the appropriate individuals) OF LIABILITY INCIDENTS.
Section II
If an employee of Southwestern is involved in an accident or witnesses an incident in which a possible tort may have been committed against a third party, the following steps should be taken:
- If possible, insure the personal safety of individuals involved and take steps to prevent further damage to state property.
- DISCOURAGE speculative comments by employees at the scene. Make NO statements concerning assumption of liability. Give out only information required by authorities. DO NOT sign any statement except for an authorized representative of the RISK MANAGEMENT DIVISION.
- Call the University Risk Manager (Executive Vice President, extension 3037, or the Campus Police, ext. 3111) as soon as possible after the incident. If a proper University official cannot be contacted, call the State Risk Management office at (405) 521-4999 day or night. If you call the state office, contact the University Risk Manager as soon as possible thereafter.