Student/Enrichment Activities Budget Policy
Section I
Each fiscal year the President submits a campus activity fund budget to the Governing Board for approval. After the budget is approved by the Board, the University then has the approval to expend funds as budgeted. These budgeted units include athletics, health services, yearbook, forensics, music, commencement, dramatics, cheerleaders, summer camps, student awards, and the Sayre Remote Location. In addition to the specific budgeted units, there are two categories that are combined and must be budgeted internally. Two of these areas are "students activities" and "students associations."
Section II
It is the responsibility of the Vice President for Student Services to develop internal budgets for student activities and student associations.
The Student Senate is to be allocated 5 percent of the estimated student activity fee income. The balance of the amount set forth in the Annual Budget (the budget that is approved by the Governing Board) for student associations is to be allocated to other student organizations or student activities by the Vice President for Student Services. The Vice President will prepare, for the President's approval, a budget request for allocation of funds to the other student organizations or for other student activities. After the budget request has been approved, a copy will be forwarded to the Executive Vice President who will notify the Business Office. Once the budget is approved, encumbrances may be made against the budget for each of the activities budgeted.
Requests for student activities are to be forwarded to the Vice President for Student Services. The request with a budget for the student activity shall be forwarded to the President for approval. Once approved, encumbrances against that budget may be made with approval of the Vice President for Student Personnel Services.
In the event a budgeted activity needs to have a budget adjustment, a request for an adjustment is to be sent to the President for approval.
Requisitions for expenditures of budgeted activities are to be approved by the Vice President or designee.